Finally, some clear thinking on the importance buoyancy has in the diving community. Wait a minute, what diving community is it important to? As a matter of fact, how many diving communities are there? Why don’t you just think about those two questions while I continue with the first thought.

Well, have you thought long enough on those two diving community questions? The answer is… understanding and mastering Buoyancy is important in every diving community.
In the recreational diving community the attainment of Neutral buoyancy at any depth is the desired objective to be considered a competent diver. However Positive buoyancy is the most sought after and taught skill for a dive profile to have a happy conclusion. Then there is Negative buoyancy which has become the bain of sport divers and those who teach them.
In the Commercial diving community the knowledge, skills and abilities (attitudes) when it comes to buoyancy is more a job for job tool and capability. That means that Positive, neutral and negative buoyancy is mission dictated and performed professionally to a successful conclusion.

Remember, in underwater search & recovery you get positive results when negative buoyancy is king!
Written by - Michael W. Gast
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